Therapeutic Area | MeSH |
digestive system diseases | D004066 |
cardiovascular diseases | D002318 |
Tradename | Company | Number | Date | Products |
DEFITELIO | Jazz Pharmaceuticals | N-208114 RX | 2016-03-30 | 1 products, RLD, RS |
Brand Name | Status | Last Update |
defitelio | New Drug Application | 2022-12-07 |
Indication | Ontology | MeSH | ICD-10 |
hepatic veno-occlusive disease | — | D006504 | K76.5 |
Drug common name | Defibrotide |
INN | defibrotide |
Description | Defibrotide, sold under the brand name Defitelio, is a mixture of single-stranded oligonucleotides that is purified from the intestinal mucosa of pigs. It is used to treat veno-occlusive disease of the liver of people having had a bone marrow transplant, with different limitations in the US and the European Union. It works by protecting the cells lining blood vessels in the liver and preventing blood clotting; the way it does this is not well understood.
Classification | Oligonucleotide |
Drug class | — |
Image (chem structure or protein) | |
Structure (InChI/SMILES or Protein Sequence) | — |
PDB | — |
CAS-ID | 83712-60-1 |
RxCUI | 1311089 |
ChEMBL ID | CHEMBL2108396 |
ChEBI ID | — |
PubChem CID | 135565962 |
DrugBank | DB04932 |
UNII ID | L7CHH2B2J0 (ChemIDplus, GSRS) |